I think I’ll eat salad for dinner

Two weeks ago, I filled my kitchen with Athens, GA–Cajun–Carolina southern cooking: Sausage-laced low country boil, mile-high cathead biscuits and tomato gravy, mayo coleslaw, rice salad, and stacks on stacks of buttery blondies. Korean fried chicken wings at least once. Beignets that same day. Last week, I plowed through pounds of potatoes, butter, lamb shoulder […]

Again with the SPAM

My grandfather had a full on, no-holds barred, fanatical obsession with SPAM. After spending time on the USS Antietam in the South Pacific right after World War II, he came home with cans and cans of the stuff. Despite (or perhaps because of) its questionable categorization as edible food, Grandpa Loren maintained his fierce allegiance […]

From Russia, with (smetana) love

A few weeks ago, I traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia to visit my boyfriend, experience a strikingly different culture than my own, and, as it turned out, eat lots of sour cream. Before I left, I got many food-related questions from my co-workers: “What’s the food scene like?” “Are you excited to eat lots of […]

Enter the taco

I have a taco conundrum. Okay, perhaps taco is the wrong modifier. The conundrum, after all, extends to many meals containing not-small amounts of meat from unidentifiable origins, be they ethical or otherwise: soup dumplings, beef rending, Speed’s hot dogs, banh mi, pho, cubanos… All of these foods, when prepared correctly, are shockingly gratifying. I […]